Category: Heart Disease


How to Prevent High Blood Pressure with Diet

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: High blood pressure, the #1 killer risk factor in the world, may be eliminated with a healthy enough diet. This is a video that’s...


Improving on the Mediterranean Diet

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: What are the four problematic nutritional aspects of even plant-based Mediterranean diets? This is the final video in a 6-part video series on the...


PREDIMED: Does Eating Nuts Prevent Strokes?

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: A randomized controlled trial found that a Mediterranean-type diet can dramatically lower the risk of subsequent heart attacks. How does it compare with plant-based...


Optimal Cholesterol Level

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: Why don’t authorities advocate a sufficient reduction in cholesterol down to safe levels? It’s imperative for everyone to understand Dr. Rose’s sick population concept,...


The Problem With the Paleo Diet Argument

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: The Paleolithic period represents just the last 2 million years of human evolution. What did our bodies evolve to eat during the first 90%...


The Actual Benefit of Diet vs. Drugs

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: The medical profession oversells the benefits of drugs for chronic disease since so few patients would apparently take them if doctors divulged the truth....


Flax Seeds for Hypertension

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: Extraordinary results reported in a rare example of a double-blinded, placebo-controlled, randomized trial of a dietary intervention (flaxseeds) to combat one of our leading...