Category: Heart Disease


Fully Consensual Heart Disease Treatment

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: When doctors withhold dietary treatment options from cardiac patients, they are violating the cornerstone of medical ethics, informed consent. The lack of nutrition training...


Low Carb Diets and Coronary Blood Flow

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: Blood flow within the hearts of those eating low carb diets was compared to those eating plant-based diets. The reason I have so few...


Is Fish Oil Just Snake Oil?

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: Advice to eat oily fish or take fish oil to lower risk of heart disease, stroke, or mortality is no longer supported by the...


Vitamin B12 Necessary for Arterial Health

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: The cardiovascular benefits of plant-based diets may be severely undermined by vitamin B12 deficiency. Make sure you see the “prequel” to this video: Arteries...


Arteries of Vegans vs. Runners

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: The carotid arteries of those eating plant-based diets appear healthier than even those just as slim (long-distance endurance athletes who’ve run an average of...


Cavities and Coronaries: Our Choice

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: Coronary heart disease, our #1 cause of death, was found to be almost non-existent in a population eating a diet centered around whole plant...


BOLD Indeed: Beef Lowers Cholesterol?

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: The beef industry designed a study to show that a diet containing beef was able to lower cholesterol if one cuts out enough poultry,...


Tell Your Doctor If You Eat Grapefruit

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: The role white and pink (red) grapefruit may play in weight loss and cholesterol control, as well as the suppression of drug clearance enzymes...


Heart Disease Starts in Childhood

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: By age 10, nearly all kids have fatty streaks in their arteries This is the first sign of atherosclerosis, the leading cause of death...


Pistachio Nuts for Erectile Dysfunction

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: Men eating pistachio nuts experienced a significant improvement in blood flow through the penis accompanied by significantly firmer erections in just three weeks, perhaps...