Nutri Press News


Can Oatmeal Help Fatty Liver Disease?

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: Is whole grain consumption just a marker for healthier behaviors or do whole grains have direct health benefits? What about oatmeal and the ravages...


If White Rice is Linked to Diabetes, What About China?

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: Protein consumption can exacerbate the insulin spike from high glycemic foods. This one is a little twisty and might require a second watch or...


Is Milk Good for Our Bones?

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: The galactose in milk may explain why milk consumption is associated with significantly higher risk of hip fractures, cancer, and premature death. What can...


Improving on the Mediterranean Diet

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: What are the four problematic nutritional aspects of even plant-based Mediterranean diets? This is the final video in a 6-part video series on the...


PREDIMED: Does Eating Nuts Prevent Strokes?

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: A randomized controlled trial found that a Mediterranean-type diet can dramatically lower the risk of subsequent heart attacks. How does it compare with plant-based...


Stool pH and Colon Cancer

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: Fermentation of fiber in the gut may help explain the dramatic differences in colorectal cancer incidence around the world. So in the purple cabbage...


Preventing Ulcerative Colitis with Diet

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: The toxic rotten egg gas hydrogen sulfide may explain why animal protein is associated with inflammatory bowel disease. For the other major inflammatory bowel...


Optimal Cholesterol Level

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: Why don’t authorities advocate a sufficient reduction in cholesterol down to safe levels? It’s imperative for everyone to understand Dr. Rose’s sick population concept,...