Nutri Press News


The Saturated Fat Studies: Set Up to Fail

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: How might Big Butter design a study (like the Siri-Tarino and Chowdhury meta-analyses) to undermine global consensus guidelines to reduce saturated fat intake? Dairy...


The Saturated Fat Studies: Buttering Up the Public

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: Dairy industry campaign to “neutralize the negative image of milkfat among regulators and health professionals as related to heart disease” seeks to undermine latest...


Preventing Crohn’s Disease With Diet

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: Diets centered around whole plant foods may help prevent Crohn’s disease through the benefits of fiber on the maintenance of intestinal barrier function and...


Paleo Diets May Negate Benefits of Exercise

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: The deleterious effects of a Paleolithic diet appear to undermine the positive effects of a Crossfit-based high-intensity circuit training exercise program. I touched on...


Chicken Big: Poultry and Obesity

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: Chicken consumption is associated with more weight gain than other meat. The prior video that compared different types of meat and found meat consumption...


Coffee and Artery Function

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: The new dietary guidelines for beverages recommend tea and coffee second only to water in healthfulness, but what about concerns they might impair the...


Kempner Rice Diet: Whipping Us Into Shape

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: Dr. Walter Kempner was a pioneer in the use of diet to treat life-threatening chronic disease, utilizing a diet of mostly rice and fruit...


Back in Circulation: Sciatica and Cholesterol

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: Atherosclerotic plaque clogging the arteries feeding our spine may lead to low back pain, disc degeneration, and sciatic nerve irritation. There’s a condensed version...


Gluten-Free Cookies – How to Make Magic Cookie Bars

Get the top-rated recipe for Gluten-Free Magic Cookie Bars at See how to make a simple, 7-layer-style, gluten-free cookie bar. Featuring peanut butter, chocolate chips, nuts and plenty of coconut- you won’t even...


If Fructose is Bad, What About Fruit?

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: Does the fructose naturally found in fruit and fruit juice have the same adverse effects as excess “industrial fructose” (table sugar and high fructose...


Eliminating 90% of Heart Disease Risk

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: Preventing and treating chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke with diet and lifestyle changes is not just safer but may be...


Inhibiting Platelet Activation with Tomato Seeds

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: The yellow fluid around tomato seeds appears to suppress platelet activation without affecting blood clotting. This anti-inflammatory effect may explain why eating tomato products...